08-12-2023 : Summer Time Fun Time Crunch Time
My god it's been too long. I wanted to be more committed to this, but hey you know how it goes heheh... It's summer time and I'm on break, trying to min-max my life over here. My head is swimming with projects that I want to work on, while executive disfunction gets in the way. It's something I need to get better at, figuring out what to prioritize, y'know, making an MVP (minimum-viable-product) and all that. But that's not very fun, and what am I doing if I'm not having fun.
My big project right now is called JuggleFreaks (formerly known as SewerFreaks), a movement shooter in a PSX style. The main conceit is you're a juggler who gets mad air off of jumps and hucks balls at enemies. I'm worried about scope creep, but am mostly just enjoying the process. As it stands, I have what I consider to be a really satisfying character controller, some fun animations, and good style going, with the basics of enemy AI.
Expect more dev updates as this project develops. We'll see how it goes :-) I'm hoping to do more short-form updates like this, as I add more features and levels. Thanks for vibing and keeping it tight.
BONUS: This issue's suggested song: