10-09-2022 : Welcome!

Hello! I'm gonna end up using this space to ramble about anything I find particularly interesting, but don't have the space to talk about otherwise. I have a lot of thoughts that I can never properly get out, even when just talking casually with friends, so maybe this will help, who knows.

Making this site has been a whole bunch of fun, I've always been pretty decent at HTML, I had a class in it in highschool and remember it being a good time, but haven't ended up making anything proper in it since then. Well, I say proper but I have done quite a bit of website coding for school. I'm studying to be a game designer, but the way my university's program shakes out, you take a variety of different design courses in the early years, which included a couple web design courses. Of course, there you don't really get to have fun with it, design these days feels so corporate, and professors rarely let you stray from that.
There are a few reasons as far as I see it, first of which is that modern website design is often very very easy, it's all grids and simple, flat colours. Really, most webistes look the same these day, and I find it pretty boring... Second is that, obviously, it's what future clients will want, so it's what professor's want to train you in. Modern flat design really kills me though. It's not like I'm some master designer or anything, I mean hell look at this site, it's intentionally garrish, but still I would rather all sites have personality then whatever the hell is going on.

I understand why flat/corporate design is prominent though, it's all come from the general public moving to mobile devices, where quick access and readability are key. Sites definitely are fast to move through these days, with so much of web design being standardized. But that comes at the cost of personality, and a fear of straying far from common trends, ultimately slowing the progress of web design innovations.

What else is going on...
The Street Fighter 6 Closed Beta Test (CBT.. heheh...) has been going on this weekend. Unfortunately, I didn't get access, but it's been fun watching everyone play! The game looks really fun, and like something I'm going to sink a lot of hours into. I'm specifically really looking forward to seeing Cammy's gameplay, and also lil' T. Hawk's gameplay (Lilly? Riri?). The beta was datamined and it sounds like she plays just like big T. Hawk, which sounds perfect to me. I've never been into grapplers, generally, but a fast grappler has always sounded awesome, I just haven't had the time/ opportunity to learn him since SF2 and SF4 don't have much of a playerbase anymore. Kimberly and Jamie also seem awesome, really I want to play pretty much everyone except maybe Luke, just cause of how obnoxious he looks and acts.

Anyways, I don't have much more off the top of my mind, I just wanted to make a first post here to get something on the "Blog" page, and make sure all the HTML is working fine. Bye!